Taking our HR training courses related to accounting and financial activities will enable you to help your organization to increase efficiency, reduce risk and increase its competitive advantage. Our training courses are tailored around you needs, so you can develop the skills you require for career advancement.

Our courses are delivered by experienced trainers who are experts in their field.

Our finance and accounting courses offer knowledgeable and practical finance training for industry specialists and non-finance professionals alike.

Tailored around your needs, our courses help participants to develop professional skills for career enhancement, while helping your organization to improve efficiency, reduce risk and increase competitive advantage.

Project Management Training

Strategy is the identity that shapes someone’s perception of the company. While Marketing is what enables you to spread the word about the services and products that you have to offer. 

  • Cause/Corporate Event Planning, Development, and Implementation
  • Cause/Corporate Strategy Management, Planning, Development, and Implementation
  • Cash flow Planning and Finding Resources
  • Design, Advertising or Media Planning to achieve the highest benefit
  • Website Development
  • Email & Social Media to introduce your company clearly

A feasibility study is usually conducted after producers have discussed a series of business ideas or scenarios.  The feasibility study helps to “frame” and “flesh-out” specific business scenarios so they can be studied in-depth.  During this process the number of business alternatives under consideration is usually quickly reduced.

During the feasibility process you may investigate a variety of ways of organizing the business and positioning your product in the marketplace. It is like an exploratory journey and you may take several paths before you reach your destination. Just because the initial analysis is negative does not mean that the proposal does not have merit.  Sometimes limitations or flaws in the proposal can be corrected.

  • Gives focus to the project and outline alternatives.
  • Narrows business alternatives
  • Identifies new opportunities through the investigative process.
  • Identifies reasons not to proceed.
  • Enhances the probability of success by addressing and mitigating factors early on that could affect the project. 
  • Provides quality information for decision making.
  • Provides documentation that the business venture was thoroughly investigated.
  • Helps in securing funding from lending institutions and other monetary sources.

Helps to attract equity investment.


A tax advisor can minimize your tax liability while ensuring compliance with the tax regulations. Inaccurate tax filing and tax evasion intentionally or negligently is not acceptable in Canada, where heavy penalty will be imposed if convicted.

  • Tax Investigation and Audit
  • Tax Compliance Review/ Health Check
  • Tax Planning Consultation
  • GST Registration & Filing
  • Preparation of Corporate/Personal Income Tax Computation and Submission of Tax Filing
  • Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Claim

Contact Us

Email: info@zohsafinancial.ca

Linkedin: Zohsa

Office: 547-224 West Esplanade St. North Vancouver, BC, CA   V7M 1A4

Mailbox : 398-2416 Main St. Vancouver, BC, CA   V5T 3E2

Phone: +1(778) 723-7287